Tuesday, August 23, 2011

You want me to what???

Ever push yourself beyond your comfort zone....I mean REALLY push it? If we followed the advice on a Lu Lu Lemon shopping bag, we would be doing 1 thing per day that scares us....among other words of wisdom to follow. Well, I usually pride myself in pushing to the limit but of course, I think we all do within our own comfort zone. We tell ourselves that little extra bit is a real push when in fact it might just be a nudge. Don't get me wrong, there is no shame in that. After all, we progress or run the risk of being stagnant! Well tonight I was pushed into a definite non comforting area when my Crossfit instructor took one look at the kettle bell I had carefully selected for tonight's metcon andToledo me to put it back and get the heavier one. I dutifully listened of course, jokingly asking if she was trying to kill me lol. Her answer rang true....we will only grow and progress if we push orpurselves beyond what we think we are capable of...only then can you see true gains. After all, the athlete that's lifting that heavier weight got there because they pushed themselves out from a lighter one. Makes sense and while tonight's metcon was hard, I have to admit she was right. I proved it to myself while at the same time, reminding me of why enjoined this gym in the first place.....to push and test my limits!

Friday, August 5, 2011

7th heaven....

Well technically that was 7km today and while I wasn't necessarily in heaven, I felt pretty good.  Sun shinning, breeze blowing - nice summer day for a run.  My legs held up for the second day in a row back into it.  Thank you legs!  It would have been extra nice to jump into a big pool after that run but alas...work calls and the shower had to suffice.  Oh and apparently I'm known as the boss lady who runs in my building lol...okay - I'll take it :) 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Shall we do lunch?

Ahhh....lunch time run near the lakeshore.  Finally a decent day to fit one in - hot but a good breeze to make it bearable.  A short 5km which was what I needed to get in that '1st' fun after my lazy hiatus!  Not gonna lie - felt a bit nautious a few times, but I kept it going.  Lesson for the rest of summer - water always comes with me even for a short run.  I really went through it today!  Now if I can only turn down the red in my face lol.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Confessions of a couch potato!

For the past 2 weeks I have been playing the role of the " couch potato"...and might I add, quite convincingly! Between the work stress, hot humid weather and the not so great food choices....I have really been a tad, shall we say, displaced. I mean, I really need to retrieve this recreational running warrior in me and get my sorry a***** out there! I fear I have signed myself up for two races, one of which occurs in just 2 short weeks and I'm wondering how in the he'll I'm gonna pull this off! One thing's for sure.....I need to haul my butt up off the lazy train and out "there" where I can see some results. I'm not onto give away my money so wish me luck....let's just see if I can do this and not wind up in the physio's office!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Go Long......

There's something deceptive about a long slow run...your heart isn't pounding out of your chest every second and so you almost feel like it's a walk in the park, that is, until you finish and realize just how tired your legs are!  Today's run, a long slow 10km.  A beautiful sunny Sunday morning.  My pre-run smoothie - tried the somewhat Paleo version - cocconut milk, but cheated and added protein powder.  To my surprise, the smoothie kicked in nicely during my run when I would normally feel quite hungry.  Dried appricots in my pouch helped as well.  It's all about finding what works and what doesn't!  I'm especially impressed and grateful my legs help up today considering I just ran 6km last night.  

Passed a lemonade stand - note to self, bring money next time.  Those kids looked like they were hoping to make a buck :)  The great part about a morning run, I'm done - and can enjoy my day!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I love sprinklers!

Just put in an 8km run on this bright sunny beautiful June day.  Can I just say.....thank heavens for sprinklers and shady trees!!!!  It was a hot one!

Notes to self:
- please drink way more water during the day
- Gelato may or may not be the best pre run snack - just puttin that one out there
- I love love love love my new Vikram 5 Finger shoes - like running on a cloud even when your legs hurt and your heart feels like jumping from your chest!
- Your brain and body try to play tricks on you when you're tired......The Garmin doesn't lie - when you think your pace is outta whack...it's not.....when you think your heart rate must be off the charts....its not.....nice try body but Garmin whispered the truth to willpower this time around :)
- did I mention sprinklers are a god send on a hot day? 

Nuff said!

Born to Run....an inspiration

If you're a runner, a Crossfit'er, or any type of fitness enthusiast, have I got a book for you.  Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World (Author:  Christopher McDougall).  I just recently read this book and I have to say, not only was it hard to put down, every time I started to read, I felt the urge to go for a run!  It's an incredible story of a tribe of super runners  - the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico's Copper Canyons.  For them, running is a way of life.  Intertwined in this story you will find incredible research on the merits of barefoot running (the reason behind my recent purchase - Vikram 5 Finger shoes) as well as well placed anecdotal exercise physiology research.  Being a science head myself, I truly appreciated that aspect to the book.  I think it will become one of those books you just might read over and over again when you need a bit of inspiration.

As a result......I have decided to undertake a methodical and ambitious running plan, leading up into fall.  An 18 week marathon training schedule, 3 races of increasing distance, Crossfit to make me stronger, culminating into what I hope is a successful full marathon in Oct.  That will be my second one - the last one dating back about 10 years!  In the meantime, I will be experimenting with a healthier diet, hoping to make some of my own energy bars and nutritional fuel for the longer runs.  So far, I have discovered that cocconut water works nicely on a long run - energy and fluid in one.

Stay tuned.....this is only week 1!